Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Beep Beep

     Monday, through Thursday I wake up at 8:20 a.m. By the time I leave home it's 8:30 a.m. Notice I live 7 min away from campus, and most of the time it takes me 25-30 min get to school. In my opinion, Austin needs a better transportation system.

     In the editorial, “Mackowiak: Austin transportation solutions are never enough”, by Matt Mackowiak, Mackowiak talks about how solutions are never good enough for taxpayers because it will raise taxes. Explaining that taxes are already high, as Mackowaik states, “Property taxes in Austin are already out of control, and our city leaders continue to propose expensive ways to improve traffic only marginally.” But he adds that the taxes are worth it for our daily commute. He explains Adler proposal of creating “small corridors” through the city’s busiest roads, and “synchronizes and adapts stoplights in real-time, and adds sidewalks, turn lanes and continuous movement intersections on Loop 360”, is a better idea than what is going on right now.  

     Mackowiak proposition is simple, people should vote for a bill that would help improve and reduce congestion. As he states, “Austinites would be willing to pay for significant infrastructure if it would truly help their commute.” He also mentions that people think that the taxes are going to increase significantly. But as he explains, “Adler’s proposal would raise property taxes an average of $77 a year for the average homeowner while potentially making roads more efficient…”

    In conclusion, I believe Mackowiak has a valid point, voters should be in favor of improving our roads because as he stated, Austin is getting bigger and the roads weren’t designed for a rapidly growing city. Also, if where the city of Austin, I would just do it. People hate change. But if it's put into effect, people will get used to it. For example plastic bags. 

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