Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Texas Who?

     “Texas May Be Fracking Its Way Into Extinction” writing by my classmate who’s blog is called “Make America Blog Again”. Her commentary was about how the outcomes of fracking are destroying Texas. She includes examples such as water pollution, earthquakes, global warming and finally how fracking permanently removes water from its natural cycle.

     Her statement was, why is Texas allowing fracking when it's destroying it. Explaining that oil companies are buying out (lobbying) the government officials.  She makes a funny remark when she mentions, “However Oil companies have lots of money to spare on advertising, political agendas, and pimping out government officials as "political prostitutes." Furthermore, she explains how Governor Greg Abbot is a “political prostitute”, because he signed a bill allowing oil companies to frack all over Texas.

    I enjoyed reading this article because I once wanted to become a Petroleum Engineer. This could have been a factor that made me attach to her commentary. It was simple, straightforward and to the point. I liked the idea that she mentioned so many flaws from fracking, but she seemed biased about it. Although I completely agree with her, she could have mentioned something like, “Although fracking reduces our gas prices, helps the economy drastically, it's killing the environment. What is money when you don’t have potable water and a clean environment.” Overall her commentary was amazing and humorous, thus enjoying it the most out of all my other classmates.

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